The Pledge
Gender-based violence is deeply rooted in discriminatory cultural beliefs and attitudes that perpetuate inequality and powerlessness, in particular of women and girls. Various other factors, such as poverty, lack of education and livelihood opportunities, and impunity for crime and abuse, also tend to contribute to and reinforce a culture of violence and discrimination based on gender.
Based on the understanding that Violence Against Women and Girls is preventable. And that removing structural barriers to women’s economic empowerment, promoting education and employment opportunities play a huge role in the efforts to prevent GBV through increasing the independence and self-realization of women's potential.
Tackling these causal factors will require 'whole-of-society' measures to change and influence minds and belief systems, and ultimately empower lives.
Take the PLEDGE TO Stand Against Gender-Based Violence
Educate myself on the factors that lead to gender-based violence, and use that knowledge to mentor and teach young people to challenge and confront gender-based stereotypes and biases that foster violence against women and girls.
Not use violence of any form in my relationships, and speak up if anyone is disrespectful, abusive or violent to women or girls.
Never commit nor support gender violence, in all its manifestations.
Constantly reflect on my own identity, attitudes, prejudices and behaviors as they relate to power and privilege, and continue to hold myself accountable.
Take concrete, thoughtful, and informed action in my community to prevent violence, recognizing that awareness is not enough.
Acknowledge the factors that lead to gender-based violence, including power imbalances, and give my support to women’s leadership and advancement, and to challenge stereotypes and obstacles that limit this progress.
Listen to survivors; work to understand systems and norms that seek to silence and discredit them; learn what resources are available for supporting survivors in my workplace and community; and be an ally to all who are working to end all forms of gender-based violence.
Choose to never stay silent or look the other way, so we can ensure safer communities for women and girls, and build a safer future for our children.
Employ the use of respectful dialogue to resolve issues, never violence or intimidation.
Continue to identify and explore ways to be part of the change.