
Activate Orange-Sensitive Media Practices.

Targeted approaches are required at improving responsible media reporting. Several strategies have been proposed to respond to the menace of gender-based violence, one population level strategy to mitigate the risk of GBV may be responsible media reporting. Insensitive and unethical media reporting of GBV has direct ramifications on how the society understands the phenomenon.

Gender prejudices and biases of media practitioners are one of the major obstacles to the diverse portrayal of women and their voices in the media. Journalists and editors are socialized as men and women, long before they choose journalism as a career. This socialization influences how the media reports on, portrays and provides access to women.

Hence, we are tasked with the twin objective of promoting awareness about the role of media in prevention of GBV and to promote balanced reporting of GBV incidents, through sensitivity training and capacity building workshops to combat gender prejudices and biases.

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