
Activate Orange-Conscious Value Systems.

Considering that Gender-Based Violence occurs within the context of a specific society because of the normative role expectations associated with the male and female as well as unequal power relationships between men and women community-based support approaches are pivotal to both support the resilience and psychosocial wellbeing of women and girls minimizing their exposure to violence as well as to create a safe and enabling environment for survivors of violence to heal, re-establish relationships, and re-integrate into their communities.

Community-based approaches within GBV interventions aim to:

  • Strengthen existing supports and systems to reduce risks of exposure to GBV and prevent those already harmed from further violence and reduce stigma.
  • Make use of community knowledge and capacities to mitigate, prevent and respond to GBV.
  • Promote the resilience of survivors through survivor entered approaches and the capacities of women and girls in the design, implementation and monitoring of services.
  • Support local organizations and capacities advocating for gender equality addressing the root causes of GBV.
  • Focus on mobilizing and training community-level volunteers and promoting peer support as well as prioritizing partnerships and capacity building efforts with community-based and civil society organizations.
  • Provide safe spaces for women and girls to engage in individual, peer and group activities that promote their emotional and social wellbeing as well as skills to support their engagement in the wider community.
  • Improve humanitarian actors’ knowledge, attitudes and skills related to gender equality and GBV through sensitization and training to expand the protective environment for survivors.

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